My wordpress install process
In the past year I have installed wordpress so many times that installation of it has become a very trivial process for me. Of course wordpress developers have worked to make it this simple. Here is the process I follow
- Create the database for WP from cpanel.
- Create the user for this DB or use an existing user. Assign ALL_PRIVILEGES to this user for the newly created database.
- Download the latest WP nightly from wordpress site and extract it in a separate directory. This will create a wordpress directory.
- Change to this directory and copy wp-config-sample.php file as wp-config.php.
Edit wp-config.php file to reflect the settings for database, db user, and db password created above.
- Create a directory called languages in wp-include. Copy the or language machine object file to the languages directory. This step is necessary if you want to have the wordpress in any other language than English.
- Rename the wordpress directory the name you want for example ‘blog’.
- Move this blog directory underneath your web document root.
- Visit this page if the install.php links shows click on it.
- This will be step 1 – give a name to your blog. Go to step 2.
- Jot down the admin password from step 2. Your wordpress is installed now.
- Login into wordpress using the admin/password. Change the password to your own password you can remember.
- At this point you can download plugins, themes etc and activate them. You can configure WordPress to your liking like changing the links, date format, permalinks etc. </>