Ambala thru The Great Eye

  • 10th Jul 2005
  • 2 min read

What a joy it is to see one’s home town as a satellite image. I am sure every blogger worth his salt knows about the Google Earth. Initially it was cool to see Bay Area and see all the locations etc. It also helped me in finding my next apartment. One can see the neighbor hood etc using this. Then Ashish wrote in an email that he was able to get the long/lats for his home in Delhi using it. That got me interested that Ambala not as large as Delhi still be visible. And here is the shot of Ambala. I can find out GT Road, Ambala Chandigarh Highway, Indian Air Force Station and the air strips inside it etc.

Ambala City

My immediate reaction was to kind of draw on top of this image with the names of different roads etc. Too bad that functionality is only available in Google Earth Plus. This functionality would allow easy creation of online maps. I had discussed this with Vishal some time back. It would very cool to have “detailed” street lever online maps of India. May be this will become reality in near future.