- 06 AprCloud Native - Run better, faster
- 05 MarJack Kornfield Ajahn Chah
- 05 MayMystery of green circles
- 08 AprBuilding HTPC 3 Capabilities and big picture
- 08 AprBuilding HTPC 2 Components
- 08 AprBuilding HTPC 1 Research
- 18 MarWhy I love design
- 24 FebBridges of bay area
- 30 JanI have been slowly reading Thinking fast
- 18 DecBYO or otherwise Breaking the 10000 server
- 11 DecTowards more lighted pixels It has been
- 30 NovPound the rock and dig out a deep hole
- 29 NovDigitopoly is becoming my favorite blog
- 29 NovMe Myself and Big Data It seems the future
- 29 NovTrouble with bright kids There is very good
- 26 NovPhotography is an art Dance photography
- 22 NovA colored e reader This is sweet
- 21 NovHappened to read a bit of silicon valley
- 19 NovWhen thinking about giants of computing
- 19 NovVery tough story to read It is just terrifying
- 19 NovLumia 800 looks good
- 01 NovCan USPS? part two
- 01 NovWhat works in US
- 04 OctCan USPS survive as webvan
- 07 JulFor the stat lovers in you This is actually pretty good and can be used for a lot
- 07 JulHat tip to Nikhil for recommending this
- 07 JulSo after using Gplus for few days, what are the features you like what do you miss
- 04 JulThis series of photos from Tiber are just amazing Thanks to Amit Gupta for pointer'
- 04 JulClickItch (31 photos)
- 01 JulStop being a gear whore and start becoming a photographer
- 30 JunRandom photo testing in public
- 16 OctFirst Sin of Capitalism
- 26 AprAudrey and iPad
- 24 AprDoes online shopping changes the buying behavior
- 01 JanChina India GDP Gap Last 20 years
- 06 JunNegative side of Social Networking
- 31 MayHindi on G1
- 26 MayNope he will be an engineer
- 25 AprTaking literary snobbism to new a era
- 20 AprSelecting books to read
- 13 AprAirtel Call Home Misleading 1 cent campaign
- 14 NovLivemints four values of sensex
- 07 NovWeighing Machine by a Videogame Company
- 06 NovDash GPS and Ants
- 04 NovCongrats to President Obama
- 03 NovA Good SOA Analogy
- 03 NovPeople want to connect
- 02 NovInternalize
- 29 OctEnabling total customer experience
- 14 OctAnother gem from the house of Steve
- 13 OctDr Krugman wins Noble
- 17 JunTryst with destiny now in tags
- 15 JunBay Area Renting experience needed
- 06 JunAmazon down
- 06 JunIncrease Notebook PC Sales Promote HD Camcorders
- 28 AprThey are humans too
- 20 AprEducation pays but no golden ticket
- 03 DecNextjob a job portal with video
- 18 NovAdvice on joining the SAP world
- 15 OctShantaram 1
- 06 OctBack from SAP TechED 2007
- 20 SepFuture of Enterprise Software
- 19 SepBusiness of Software Services
- 09 SepUnderstanding the Carrots
- 11 JunSafari for Windows and WWDC07
- 20 MayRedesign O Seven
- 27 FebProduct to Money
- 28 MayMost widely used SOA enabled application
- 24 MayGood investment advice from Bogle
- 08 MaySGI files bankruptcy
- 30 MarUsing Mediawiki as personal wiki
- 27 JanAnswering the wake up call
- 21 JanThe Great Distractor
- 05 DecIt is cold in MKE
- 30 NovWhat is FON
- 14 NovConversation at its best
- 09 NovEngineers run China
- 08 NovTime to do a little Squible
- 05 NovGrabline aggregator for India news
- 05 NovWhat if Mass Media disappeared one day
- 04 NovGolden rules of consulting
- 03 NovYahoo releases Flash based maps
- 03 NovHummer and American Economy
- 01 NovGmail Conversations love them
- 01 Novfrom darkness to light Happy Diwali 2005
- 30 OctOwnership in Indian Economy
- 25 OctAkismet
- 22 OctPricing
- 21 OctFlock is out
- 18 OctCulture of participation
- 15 OctReason I still love living in Bayarea
- 11 OctVery cool title for a blog
- 10 OctI finally get what is Beta
- 10 OctThe coming of composites
- 04 OctSee the big picture at News dot com
- 20 SepindiOne hotels by Tata Group
- 19 SepPlaceopedia the fun never ends
- 15 Sep5 Things
- 05 SepEt Tu Plumtree and end of pure play portal vendors
- 05 SepGood old treeware books vs Audio Books
- 02 AugThe States I have been to in United States
- 01 AugThe Corporation
- 10 JulAmbala thru The Great Eye
- 03 JulThe Madness of CROWDS
- 26 JunMake No Little Plans
- 01 JunNirantar WordPress Special
- 20 MayNirantar June Issue WordPress special
- 15 MayFinding an apartment and looking for opinions
- 04 AprTime Division Multiplexing Gals
- 27 MarIndia Development Atanu Dey of Deeshaa
- 10 MarBubble has it been Five year already
- 25 FebAn open letter to Lord PEC of pecobians dot com
- 15 FebSomething to watch for SAP and Linux
- 12 FebSome news about the alma
- 08 FebGoogle Maps
- 22 JanFeed computers were all outside the body
- 17 JanSlaves of numbers
- 03 JanSAP on Slashdot
- 30 DecIndibloggies 2004
- 28 DecLAST CALL for nominations to Indibloggies 2004
- 27 DecTsunami Blog and easiest way to help
- 26 DecWhen Bad Things Happen to Good Projects
- 25 DecEverybody loves Documentation
- 25 DecHappiness and fun
- 24 DecCollective IQ
- 13 DecWho am I
- 08 DecStory of my Audrey
- 05 DecMy wordpress install process
- 04 DecA photo blog is different from a gallery
- 04 DecExecution the dicipline of getting things done
- 13 NovA good Diwali greeting
- 11 NovHappy Diwali
- 09 NovDoug Engelbart at Nov 19 Future Salon
- 05 NovHACMP what is that
- 30 OctInstalling Debian Sarge
- 30 OctCelebrating opening of Nileshs Blog
- 27 OctDont you love OM
- 23 OctReal Time A tribute to Hasso Plattner
- 15 OctFinished reading The Great Unraveling by Paul Krugman
- 15 OctGoogle comes to your PC
- 10 OctStory of a watch and a cell phone
- 10 OctMS in Services coming near to you
- 09 OctThe new road to riches
- 06 OctGimme the power let it be wireless this time
- 26 SepInteresting VC blogs
- 31 AugWeb Applications and Business Server Pages
- 14 AugQuid pro quo
- 13 AugTomatoes and Berkeley economists
- 05 AugWhat a nation means
- 14 JulPCWorld busting the biggest PC Myths
- 12 JulA whole new way Reliance India Call
- 09 JulEmpty Refrigerator
- 09 JunCoke or Pepsi Your drink is powered by SAP
- 06 JunThe Giant is opening up
- 05 JunLet us get Rolling
- 04 JunFive days left and I still havent bought the tickets
- 04 JunThe world is really noticing us or it is good PR
- 03 JunOver population, castes and Bollywood
- 03 JunLet us all go to India this summer
- 02 JunLink SAP Operating System Monitor
- 31 MayBeta Thoughts Slightly loaded
- 29 MayAnd all he wanted was to write
- 25 MayConsulting I love it I hate it
- 24 MayWhat a blog is how and why its better than email a la yahoogroups
- 19 MayWordPress Linkblogging at atmaspheric
- 18 MayTo Java or PHP is the question
- 18 MayViral Effects of blogging
- 17 MayAnother Gmail Post
- 17 MayAre learned ones less likely to vote
- 17 MayWP 12 Plugins
- 16 MaySpread the Love Slugs
- 16 MayMT Licensing and all that talk
- 11 MayIT to India look who is watching
- 11 MayHomogeneous vs Heterogeneous IT environment
- 10 MayContent Community and Collaboration and success of blogs
- 09 MayDigital Camera manual controls
- 09 MayBeta Testing or beta-teasing
- 09 MayBeta Thoughts Version 10 GA aka my first post
- 25 FebGood Portal Consulting Offering at Bearing Point
- 08 FebReading mySAP CRM Solution for Success
- 28 DecI want my original paper
- 02 DecPerpetual Khurki
- 30 NovSo much for security in modern OSes
- 30 OctWhats going on
- 25 OctA little thought and Happy Diwali
- 08 OctUncharted Waters SAP Enterprise Portal PDK
- 06 OctWeb Dynpro WAS and Software Fashion
- 18 JanBusiness of Life